Your Neighborhood Guide by KNA Roofing: Fantastic Activities Near You

We at KNA Roofing understand how a busy day of roof remodeling or repair can leave you wanting some time off. In that spirit, we’ve created a guide to some fun activities near your location after an engaging day in towns like Ridgewood, NY, Staten Island, NY, or Jackson Heights, NY.

Rediscover Ridgewood, NY

Start off in Ridgewood by appreciating the fresh impact of a new roof installation but don’t forget to venture out a little. Visit the Vander Ende-Onderdonk House, the oldest Dutch Colonial stone house in the city. Built in 1709, this historic site can transport you through time, offering a memorable insight into the rich past of Ridgewood. Feeling hungry afterward? Try a slice of the renowned NY-style pizza at Super Pollo Restaurant.

Unwind in Staten Island, NY

Roof repair in Staten Island can be an arduous task but it can also provide you with a prime opportunity to relax. Staten Island Zoo – a home to kangaroos, birds of prey and hundreds of snakes – makes a perfect site for a family outing. Or dive into the vibrant night scene at the Above Rooftop lounge, offering stunning views of the cityscape under the starlit sky.

Pleasures of Jackson Heights, NY

After overseeing residential roofing work in Jackson Heights, discover the unique delights this neighborhood has to offer. Visit the 82nd Street Partnership, a bustling economic hub, hosting events and markets throughout the year. To savor the essence of multi-cultural food, drop by at the local favorite Jackson Diner.

Whether it’s Roof Remodeling in Kew Gardens or Roof Repairs in Brooklyn Heights, each roofing project with KNA gifts you a chance to explore your neighborhood. Embrace the perfect blend of beneficial roofing solutions and local activities for an experience that is truly rewarding.